Emotional Education for Change  



We call emotions with words,

but in general, we know little about them.


This program aims to build awareness of the importance to develop our emotional competencies. Emotional education has a favorable impact on interpersonal and social relationships, professionally, on the emotional climate, conflict management, tolerance to frustration,  resilience, anger regulation, violence prevention, etc. 

 Emotional Education for Change Program 

Session 1

I got a feeling 

How do emotions work?


Session 2

I can handle it

Emotional regulation


Session 3


Emotional autonomy 


Session 4

Make it happen 

Social competence and Wellbeing

¿What will you learn?

How to identify the emotions that occur in everyday life and how they interact with thought and behavior.

Understand the process that emotions have and how they work.

Demystify the idea that there are "good and bad" emotions.

Encourage the enrichment of emotional vocabulary.

To regulate or channel emotions  in order to achieve goals.

The participants to understand the role they have in different contexts and learn to read the people around  them so that they can apply all the tools they have learned, so that they can make an impact in their communities. They will have different tools that can help them share their emotions and needs directly, respectfully and compassionately

Who is the training for?

Youth, families (fathers, mothers), teachers, teaching staff, social educators, community leaders,
and anyone interested.
To be able to detect needs, build a more resilient citizenry, and ultimately,
improve the emotional well-being of society.

Get in contact with us here

¿Who are we?

INEEW bridges the gap between emotional education and cutting-edge science, technology, creativity and innovation, all in the pursuit of enhancing societal well-being.

Get to know us more

Team project and trainers 

Marta Photo

Marta Bisquerra

Specialized in emotional intelligence in organizations.
Expert in the development and execution of international projects.
Committed to innovation, interculturality and the development of emotional skills.
Julia Photo

Júlia Peris

Psychologist and specialist in Emotional Intelligence in organizations. 

Master in Emotional Intelligence and Coaching in the work environment.

Master in People Management and Human Resources. 

Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

Narrative Therapy.

Andrea Photo

Andrea Adame 

Psychologist, trainer and educator. 
Paul Photo

Paul P. Paukpa

Executive Director at Response Initiatives.

Mechanical engineer.

Specialist in leadership and youth capacity building.

Committed to NGOs, rural communities, and developing actions to improve communities' wellbeing

Deisy Photo

Deisy Loaiza Gómez

Business administrator.

Specialist in emotional intelligence in organizations.

executive coach

Master in Human Resources Management and leadership skills.

Jennifer Escobar

Business administrator.

Master's degree in Human Resources Management and experience in the management of human talent and in related processes such as training and development, organizational climate, culture, well-being and quality of life.


REIN - Liberia 
Response Initiatives 

Afrique Education - Canada 

Rwanda Opportunities Organization